Privacy Policy

Article 1 (Personal Information)

"Personal information" refers to information about a living individual as defined by the Personal Information Protection Act. It includes information that can identify a specific individual based on their name, date of birth, address, phone number, contact details, and other descriptions. It also encompasses data such as appearance, fingerprints, voiceprints, and information that can identify a specific individual from the information alone, such as the insurance number on a health insurance card.

Article 2 (Method of Collecting Personal Information) Shinsei Transport may ask users for personal information, including names, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers when they register for the service. Additionally, transaction records and payment information, including the user's personal information, may be collected from partners and affiliates.

Article 3 (Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information) The purposes for which Shinsei Transport collects and uses personal information are as follows:

  • For the provision and operation of Shinsei Transport services
  • To respond to inquiries from users, including identity verification
  • To send emails about new features, updates, campaigns, and other services provided by Shinsei Transport
  • For necessary communication, such as maintenance and important notices
  • To identify users who violate the terms of use or attempt to use the service for fraudulent or unjust purposes and deny their use of the service
  • To allow users to view, modify, delete, and check the usage status of their registered information
  • To charge users for fees in paid services
  • Other purposes associated with the above purposes

Article 4 (Changes to the Purpose of Use) Shinsei Transport may change the purpose of use of personal information if it is deemed reasonable and relevant to the previous purpose. In the event of a change, users will be notified through Shinsei Transport's designated methods or on the website.

Article 5 (Third-Party Provision of Personal Information) Shinsei Transport will not provide personal information to third parties without the user's consent, except in the following cases:

  • When necessary to protect human life, body, property, or other rights and interests, and obtaining the user's consent is difficult
  • When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the healthy upbringing of children, and obtaining the user's consent is difficult
  • When cooperation is necessary for a national institution, local public body, or a person entrusted by them to perform duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the user's consent may hinder the performance of such duties
  • When notifying or publicly announcing the following items in advance, and Shinsei Transport has reported it to the Personal Information Protection Commission:
    • Purpose of use, including provision to third parties
    • Items of data provided to third parties
    • Means or methods of providing data to third parties
    • Procedures for users to request the suspension of providing personal information to third parties
    • Methods for accepting user requests However, in the cases listed below, the provided information will not be considered as third-party provision:
  • When Shinsei Transport entrusts the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use
  • In cases where personal information is provided due to the succession of business through a merger or other reasons
  • In cases where personal information is jointly used with specific individuals, and the purpose of use, items of personal information used jointly, the range of persons using jointly, the purpose of use of those persons, and the name or designation of the person responsible for the management of the personal information are notified to the user in advance or made easily accessible to the user

Article 6 (Disclosure of Personal Information) When an individual requests the disclosure of their personal information, Shinsei Transport will promptly disclose it to the individual. However, Shinsei Transport may not disclose the information, or disclose only part of it, if any of the following apply. In such cases, Shinsei Transport will promptly notify the individual of the decision. Note that a fee of 1,000 yen per case may be charged for disclosing personal information.

  • When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
  • When there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper implementation of Shinsei Transport's business
  • When disclosing would violate other laws

Regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, information other than personal information, such as history information and characteristic information, will generally not be disclosed.

Article 7 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information) If a user's personal information held by Shinsei Transport is found to be incorrect, the user can request Shinsei Transport to correct, add, or delete (hereinafter referred to as "correction, etc.") the information through the procedures specified by Shinsei Transport. If Shinsei Transport determines that it is necessary to respond to such a request from the user based on the investigation results in the preceding paragraph, Shinsei Transport will promptly make the necessary corrections, etc. If Shinsei Transport makes corrections, etc., based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, or decides not to make corrections, etc., Shinsei Transport will promptly notify the user of this.

Article 9 (Changes to the Privacy Policy) The content of this policy can be changed without notifying the user, except for matters stipulated separately in laws and other regulations or in this policy. Unless otherwise specified by Shinsei Transport, the revised privacy policy will take effect from the time it is posted on the website.

Article 10 (Contact Information) For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact the following: